Shazam Company owns a mobile app that allows users just to press a button and make their phones detect particular songs are playing on the device. The feature that was announced on Thursday will enhance the visual recognition features in phones. This apps has facilitated real user interface where users can scan QR codes and Shazam camera emblems. The users can get customized phone experiences that are mainly linked to these devices.
To facilitate this immense growth, Shazam has partnered with various groups to consolidate their technological and business ideas. Its partners are major brands in the entertainment and commercial industries. These partners include Target, the Walt Disney Company, and wall street journal among others players.
According to the Shazam chief executive officer, the new feature enables users to access a lot of capabilities that were initially impossible. The app provides the function for instance buying and sharing of contents online. This app was firstly used by Walt Disney and Tomorrowland movie to show Shazamable advertisements.
The visual recognition has been of great help to the Target companies. It is because the user have been given a chance to scan and print television advertisements. The Target stores shoppers will be able to choose various clothes designs. It is because they can quickly browse more images of the products offered in this shops. This feature has also enabled Target to link its website to facilitate easy browsing of products.
Target is meanwhile working with Shazam to allow users to scan print and TV ads. After using Shazam on these images, shoppers will be able to interact with additional content or browse featured products by linking to Target’s website. The motive behind Shazam app is to move a step further of ensuring that people interact effectively with the world around them. The Shazam designers also explained that the app will cause no extra friction in engaging users to their phones.
The app offers convenience to the mobile operators who may wish to access more data from printed materials. According to the statistic, the app has been downloaded by more than fifty million people worldwide. It is because it enables users to retrieve information that they need without too much hassle. The Shazam visual recognition feature is available live on all mobile devices. To increase its usability, the app is offered on a free basis. The app is downloadable from the following sites; Google Play, iTunes App Store, Amazon Appstore and the Windows Phone Store.